
Notes From Our Default ExpressionEngine Build

I put together some notes about Viget’s default ExpressionEngine build in the hopes that you can find some tips and tricks in all of my nonsense.

Is Ajax ExpressionEngine Plugin

For a recent project, I needed to detect whether a request was an AJAX request or not. MX Ajax Detect already existed, but I didn’t like that you needed the extra set of tags. Usage {if {exp:is_ajax} == "true"} OH YEAAAH {if:else} OH NOOO {/if} Download You can find the plugin on Devot:ee and GitHub.

Styling HTML5 Elements: An Irresponsible Choice…Right Now

I figured it was time to post about a controversial topic that had come up recently. I just don’t see the value in using most HTML5 elements right now.

A Couple of Presentations

I’ve given a couple of presentations recently, so I thought I would share them. Mee & EE: Sitting In A Tree An internal presentation given to all of Viget to give an overview of EE and why I love it. Add Some Awesome-Sauce A presentation given to Clarksburg High School students with a supporting demo site to introduce them to some HTML5 and CSS3 features.

My New Best Friend: CSS Generated Content

I’ve started to use generated content more and more these days. Here are a couple of examples from a recent project.

So You Want to Use .htaccess files with MAMP?

Well, this was easy in the older version of MAMP that I had. You would just drop them in place, and they worked. I was having a problem with something, so I thought maybe there was an updated version of MAMP that would solve the problem. Sure enough, there was. So I installed it and went along my way. Then, I went back to the local version of my site, and it was completely busted. I finally track…

ExpressionEngine Config Variables Plugin

As I was in the process of moving this site into Git and having a local version, I have been trying to move as many paths as possible into the config.php. One of them included the cache path for image sizer. Since the local and production paths are different, I wanted some way for them to be dynamic. In my config.php file, I am using $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] to set the base_path. I could have ena…

Creating a Google Map with ExpressionEngine

As Richard Tape has begun to show in his part 1 and part 2 articles on Becoming an ExpressionEngine Superstar, EE is a flexible and easy to customize CMS. Now that everyone has some understanding of how EE works, I thought I would take this opportunity to show a relatively real world example of creating a dynamic Google Map powered by EE.

Building an ExpressionEngine Mini Calendar Scroller

I recently decided I wanted to add a calendar of blog entries on my personal site. Luckily, ExpressionEngine has a tag for that, the Calendar Tag. The functionality that I wanted was a little bit different from the two examples in the EE user guide. I wanted to show a calendar by month, and link the days that had an entry to that specific entry.

URL Design

Great article about designing URLs. It really is an art and is so easy to do so wrong.
