
Hon-ee Pot Captcha for ExpressionEngine

I have a confession to make: I hate captcha. But on the other hand, spam is one of the most frustrating issues ever. So with that being said, I am a big fan of Honeypot Captcha. I couldn’t find any ExpressionEngine addons that added honeypot captcha functionality for both the comment form and the Freeform module, so I decided to go ahead and create one. Basic Functionality This extension validat…

Custom File Inputs with a Bit of jQuery

I needed to create a custom file input when building Clever Little Bag, so I’ve written a tutorial on the Inspire blog discussing that process.

Custom File Inputs with a Bit of jQuery

File inputs are notorious for being a pain to style across all browsers.

Simple jQuery Refactoring

I’ve learned so much about jQuery while working at Viget. I wrote a blog post about how you can improve your jQuery through some simple refactoring.

jQuery One Page Navigation Plugin

When appropriate, I am a fan of the one-page sites. I really like the ones that add smooth scrolling and highlight the navigation depending upon which part of the page you have scrolled to. Here are a few examples: Brizk Design and Crush + Lovely. I finally have a freelance project where a one-page site makes sense, so I needed to write the JavaScript to make the navigation work how I wanted. I w…

How I Got the Most Out of An Event Apart

I had the pleasure of attending An Event Apart last week when they finally made it to DC. This was the third time I had atended An Event Apart conference, but I feel like I absorbed the most from this one. Leave the Laptop at Home The last two times I attended, I brought my laptop and took notes during the presentations. Sure I learned some things, but I think other things slipped by me as I was…

Find Your Own Starting Point

Everyone and their mother has been releasing their HTML5 “boilerplates” for others to use. There is no chance that I would just take such a set of files and start building a site. You’ve got to find a good starting place for yourself, not someone else’s. I have been starting from a similar point for everything that I build now, and I just finally put it out on GitHub. I’m not doing this because I…

A Couple of EE 2.x Addons

It’s no secret that I’m a big ExpressionEngine fan. I’m really excited to get started using EE 2.x on projects, but the one thing holding me back is add-ons. I’ve never written an add-on, but I use tons of add-ons that others have written. With that being said, I ended up porting over a couple of add-ons to work with EE 2.x: Scroll to Comment First, I modified Matthew Pennell’s Scroll t…

jQuery Image Scroller Plugin

While working on the individual product page for PUMA, I had to use jQuery to create a scrollable interface for really tall products. It’s kind of hard to describe, but have a look at the plugin for a better description.

jQuery Show Password Plugin

In a recent project at work, I had to add in functionality so that a user could see what they had typed in a password field when they click a link. One would think that it is as easy as using JavaScript to change the type attribute, but that of course doesn’t work in IE. Virtually all of the jQuery plugins that I found used a checkbox instead of a link to toggle between the two states. So, I set o…
